Monday, September 28, 2009

A New SCtIR initiative.. introducing the PEN Project

P.E.N. Project Mission Statement. (Patriot Economic Network)


Become the Patriot Yellow Pages.

Spirit of the Mission-Patriots advancing each other’s Business/Service or Labor in an easily grasped format.

The P.E.N. Project was a vision brought real world by conversations between Armond Serio (U.S.A. not 4 sale) and William Shields (

Our mission is simple bring together Patriot Labor , Services and Business with the vast consumer base that is available to us. I.E: Those Patriots that showed up in Washington to oppose Obamacare.

It is our belief that the Patriot Community has a responsibility to itself to patronize each other as both consumer and supplier of Goods and Services.

F.A.Q.Why do we need a Pen Project?

We at the took note of an alarming bias by the left and the “me too!” crowd against American Patriots.

The American workplace is increasingly becoming one that WILL NOT discriminate against anyone because of race, creed, color, sexual preference or any number of other politically correct specific privileged groups.

However..Patriots who are proud of their American culture, traditions and Christianity and don’t agree with the New World agenda of the Left are not on that list of protected groups.

What does the P.E.N.project ask of me to be part of its initiative as either Advertised business/Service or supplier of goods or consumer of those services?

How to become a featured Business on the PEN project website..

Fee-$00.00 (Free)We ask that you be a American Patriot activist of some kind that embrace a Tea party/SCtIR/USAnot4sale pro American traditional World view..very simply put, God-Guns and Borders.

Also it is very important to Armand and I that your business does NOT employ ILLEGAL ALIENS. After all we are AMERICANS advancing AMERICANS and not doing so is inconsistent with Armand and my core principles.

We at SCtIR and USAnot4sale hope you will join us in our very simple concept of connecting Patriot Business interest with a vast Patriot consumer base we hope that you understand the common sense in our approach in this matter.

Please direct any questions to either of the following Emails or phone #s.

Thank you.

Bill Shields 203 314-2918

Armand Serio 203 675 8337

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