You want answers? Me too.. Your Town falling apart? Mine too..
Real solutions NOW!
Last night I went to the Mayoral debate here in West Haven.
All went well and we heard much of the same coming from the three main candidates.
Talk of getting tough with those whom where late on their taxes. Talk of new beautification programs the new train station,Booting cars for delinquent taxes etc..
All these things are great but no one is speaking about the real problem plaguing our town and many other N.East towns.
That is to say our industrial base is DEAD! The Mfg. jobs of the past are gone (To China and other places.) and they aren't coming back.
The question should be what is the business model to use for West Haven in light of the post industrial U.S.A..
The most logical path to take (in my opinion) in our town is to bring back the old.
What prey do you mean? one might ask.
Simple..Bring back the Savin Rock Amusement Park. An updated version of course,I suggest erecting it on the abandoned Bilko sight and adjacent areas.
West Haven was known as a recreational area in the recent past seeing as we no longer have Mfg. to fall back on it makes sense.
Then how about we revitalise Down Town Main St?
We can stylize it to hearken back to a different era only better.
The intertainment industry is the only real path we have in our Town, we are already known for "the Rock"amusement park also we can bring in other ansulary entertainment based activities (Wresteling baseball etc.) to augment the new "Rock" and thrive once again as a community.
Maybe an updated Marina? Just a thought.
Thank you.
Bill SCtIR
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