Thursday, December 17, 2009
I shot an arrow in the air..OOPS! missed!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mystery lights explained..It was just.. a Russian Missile!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hey..Mr.Fed.It's our house and we're taking it back!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
CAIR The voice of radical Islam in the USA
Thursday, December 3, 2009
As if we didn't have enough to worry about..
Lou Dobbs does a nice job illustrating that fact..
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Don't drink to much coffee before you watch the news.
The Yankees should sign this guy up..
Enjoy..Caution harsh Obama describing language..
Friday, November 27, 2009
The reeducation camps begin..Time to get your mind right.
With the election of the Commie Obamie they are getting aggressive in some.. shall we say aggressive techniques.One of these techniques is brainwashing.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What it was..Nation and Family..
William Landers, 13th generation, Great-grandson, of Governor William Bradford.
America Thursday, November 26, 2009: The growth of the American people has been hindered by a new-yet-old form of communism. As America has turned away from its formations and history, so is lost the teachings of a past communism that failed and was thought to be the works of corruption.
The first Thanksgiving should be a symbol of lessons in both economics and human nature.
Governor William Bradford writes his accounts of experiences, in his book “Of Plimoth Plantation”.
William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation 120–21
All this while no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expect any. So they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery. At length, after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefest amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves; in all other things to go on in the general way as before. And so assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end, only for present use (but made no division for inheritance) and ranged all boys and youth under some family. This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.
The experience that was had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanity of that conceit of Plato’s and other ancients applauded by some of later times; that the taking away of property and bringing in community into a commonwealth would make them happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God. For this community (so far as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For the young men, that were most able and fit for labour and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense. The strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes than he that was weak and not able to do a quarter the other could; this was thought injustice. The aged and graver men to be ranked and equalized in labours and victuals, clothes, etc., with the meaner and younger sort, thought it some indignity and disrespect unto them. And for men’s wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc., they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could many husbands well brook it. Upon the point all being to have alike, and all to do alike, they thought themselves in the like condition, and one as good as another; and so, if it did not cut off those relations that God hath set amongst men, yet it did at least much diminish and take off the mutual respects that should be preserved amongst them. And would have been worse if they had been men of another condition. Let none object this is men’s corruption, and nothing to the course itself. I answer, seeing all men have this corruption in them, God in His wisdom saw another course fitter for them.
In the passage Governor Bradford laid the foundation of “Capitalism” in its purest sense. Capitalism built on hard work and keeping one’s own rewards for himself and family.
Governor Bradford also made it very clear what happens when you take from one that works and give to those who do not.
“as if they were wiser than God. For this community (so far as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort.”
Governor Bradford, put emphasis on “Wiser than God” which leads me to today’s times and the harden push to forget God and focus on men as the answer. Many of today’s leaders and scholars look to men, for solving the problems and taking away self responsibility. These same men then take away the goods from those whom have worked hard and did the proper things for themselves and families, to give to those whom have not. They also have decided to make laws that dictate what one should do for themselves and family.
This kind of communism now, as was seen in the past, has shown the same results “breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort”.
There are only two contemporary accounts of the 1621 Thanksgiving: First is Edward Winslow’s account, which he wrote in a letter dated December 12, 1621. The complete letter was first published in 1622.
Our corn [i.e. wheat] did prove well, and God be praised, we had a good increase of Indian corn, and our barley indifferent good, but our peas not worth the gathering, for we feared they were too late sown. They came up very well, and blossomed, but the sun parched them in the blossom. Our harvest being gotten in, our governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a special manner rejoice together after we had gathered the fruit of our labors. They four in one day killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served the company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and among the rest their greatest king Massasoit, with some ninety men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted, and they went out and killed five deer, which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our governor, and upon the captain and others. And although it be not always so plentiful as it was at this time with us, yet by the goodness of God, we are so far from want that we often wish you partakers of our plenty.
The second description was written about twenty years after the fact by Governor William Bradford in his History Of Plymouth Plantation. Bradford’s History was rediscovered in 1854 after having been taken by British looters during the Revolutionary War. Its discovery prompted a greater American interest in the history of the Pilgrims. It is also in this account that the Thanksgiving turkey tradition is founded.
They began now to gather in the small harvest they had, and to fit up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health and strength and had all things in good plenty. For as some were thus employed in affairs abroad, others were exercising in fishing, about cod and bass and other fish, of which they took good store, of which every family had their portion. All the summer there was no want; and now began to come in store of fowl, as winter approached, of which this place did abound when they came first (but afterward decreased by degrees). And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many, besides venison, etc. Besides they had about a peck of meal a week to a person, or now since harvest, Indian corn to that proportion. Which made many afterwards write so largely of their plenty here to their friends in England, which were not feigned but true reports.
The successes of following a system of “One’s Self Responsibility” allowed for the first Thanksgiving in America and an important lesson for America’s foundation.
We're all living in America..Diversity is perversity..
Look at what is happening here..What a joke..aboriginies... walking on the moon?U.S.A. the Social Experiment.We're all living in Amerika..Ha Ha!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The act of rape in a larger sense..Thought provoking.
Excerpted from the American Thinker.
Titled the wilding of Sarah Palin.
When I was in college, I read a book that changed my life. It was Susan Brownmiller's tome, Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape, which explained rape as an act of power instead of just lust. What I found particularly chilling was the chapter on war -- how rape is used to terrorize a population and destroy the enemy's spirit.
While edifying, the book magnified the vulnerability I already felt as a female. Fear of rape became a constant dread, and I sought a solution that would help shield me from danger.
The answer: seek safe harbor within the Democratic Party. I even became an activist for feminist causes, including violence against women. Liberalism would protect me from the big, bad conservatives who wished me harm.
Like for most feminists, it was a no-brainer for me to become a Democrat. Liberal men, not conservatives, were the ones devoted to women's issues. They marched at my side in support of abortion rights. They were enthusiastic about women succeeding in the workplace.
As time went on, I had many experiences that should have made me rethink my certainty. But I remained nestled in cognitive dissonance -- therapy jargon for not wanting to see what I didn't want to see.
Full article below..
$100 million N.Y.subway contract..given to Chinese firm.
Excerpt from article..
China State Construction Engineering Corp, the largest contractor in China, has bagged a subway ventilation project worth about $100 million in New York's Manhattan area, marking the construction giant's third order in the United States' infrastructure space this year.
The contract was given to China Construction American Co, a subsidiary, the Wall Street Journal quoted a source as saying.
"The new project, along with the $410-million Hamilton Bridge project and a $1.7-billion entertainment project it won earlier this year, signals China State Construction's ambition to tap the American construction market," said Li Zhirui, an industry analyst at First Capital Securities.
The full article below.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Duck Fodd train keeps rolling!
Nice work GUYS!
Angelo wouldn't be happy..But I am!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
File this one under,The World has gone insane!
Mattel introduces the new hot Christmas gift! Burka Barbie!
Goat smell not included..
Lieberman JUDAS GOAT!! Voted AYE on health care bill!
Straight up facts..We can't afford this bill PERIOD DOT!
This will thrust us into unbreakable socialism/Communism, period dot.
Our Country will cease as we knew it period dot.
NO DEBATE..This can not pass!!
Mary Landrieu...Blache Lincolne..As well as all Ct. Sens.(Dodd) must go!
I told you so..The Reds of the U.S.S. of A. come out of the closet.
An excerpt from the Huff.Post.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians began taking down their statues of Josef Stalin, the mass murderer who killed millions of people. Astonishingly, in America, the National D-Day Memorial is honoring Stalin by placing his bust on a pedestal at its museum in Bedford, Virginia
Full article here.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Obamie to visit Kim Jung Ill.Expect another Bow Wow Row!!
Gee..I hope The P.O.T.U.S. doesn't drop his contact again.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Dr. James Manning..To be arrested..Obama is scooping up his opponents.
Didn't Nixon have an enemies list?Didn't He catch Hell because of it?
It is clear that Obama does have such a list..
Lets watch The Honorable Pastor James David Manning as he explains how he is the latest in a long line of Patriots to get dreaded knock at the door..From D.H.S.!
Tyranny.. straight up Tyranny!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Nadal Hassans Power point presentation.Jihad plain and simple.
If it's not civil war..What would you call it?
This is important in the face of a looming Amnesty in the wind here in the U.S.A.
The estimates of a surge of refugees fleeing from this mess range, but are in... the millions.
All that on the 20 to 30 million already here..
Please watch with me as Mexico continues in its descent into oblivion.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I.B.M. Takes the lead on Big Brother RFID Tech.
No money needed a cashless society..
That My friends is a society under total control..That chip can be data mined and even turned off making you or me a non entity just like that.
Never mind the Biblical implications..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Symbol of christ banned..In Italy!
That's been done..The U.N. wants to ban the crucifix in schools in Italy?
Come on when is this stuff going to end? Better yet when will it be opposed? At least in a meaningful way.
Friday, November 13, 2009
We are now a communist Nation!
By a money expert..
At last year's Alliance Conference, I urged folks to buy stocks – vehemently... It was the most bullish I've been in my entire life. But now I feel the opposite way. When the facts change, I change my mind. I never thought we'd see the government running $2 trillion deficits, taking over health care, owning all the banks...
Banned footage of the last transport of Terrorist from Gitmo!It didn't go well. Exclusive!!
Gee..I hope that Team America isn't around when 9-11 murderers go to N.Y.C. to embarrass and mock us..Right?
Outrage after Outrage!!
Gitmo to shut down..
Detainees to get a sweet life in the Bahamas.
9-11 terrorists get Red carpet treatment..Best lawyers..and puts a big fat target on Manhattan.
B.T.W. Did I mention that Patriots,Veterans,Anti Abortion Christians,Etc. have been called Terrorists by this administration?
Impeach these people!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The religion of peace heard again this time in the UK
Birka,Birka,Jihad,Jihad.. Y'all
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Quickining..CAP and Trade passes the Senate sub committee..Behind our back!Don't like it?TOUGH!!
Caligulina aka Barbara Boxer and her Bolsheviks where busy renaming and passing CAP and Trade thru the Sub Committee. Republicans where not invited to debate.
I think that the Constitution is the only answer..We simply strike all laws that aren't constitutional when these snakes are serving Jail Time!
Article link here.
Tales from the Bay State..The Banking Queen.
This next video is one such incident.Barney Frank Dem. blow hard from Mass. sics the Poe Poe on one of his own constits.Her crime?She doesn't agree with his position on the health care issue.
Exxxxcuse me!! Mr. Frank..Why do they call you guys Public Servants?
I rise in opposition to the Head of the Banking Committee..Even this chair, recognizes that the Gentleman from Mass. Barney Frank... is a Douche-Bag... I yield back the balance of my time.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Honorable David Manning says blood will have to flow.
I'm happy to see him back on You Tube..
And if you live in a cave and have not heard of him..
He is what the Folks in Dixie call a "Flame Thrower"
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Koran commands..Torhee Boona...Terrorize Infadels..Peaceful religion..Huh?
This is going on in N.Y. and throughout the Nation!
This is to outrageous for words! Why didn't someone knock this kook out?
Oh..I forgot POTUS is on his side!
Impeach Obama NOW!
Bill SCtIR
Be RFID.. Be very RFID..
The RFID chip has been a ongoing priority of the N.W.O. for years.
The big push is here..
Join me as we walk into post Humanism together.
Beold the mark of the BEAST.
Bill SCtIR
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
When is it ENOUGH?
Please understand Amnesty and Health care are linked!!
We are getting attacked on many fronts!
Ladies and Gentlemen we must CIRCLE THE WAGONS! If we lose life boat U.S.A. .
We will lose our culture and the American way.. We do a disservice not only to our progeny but the progeny of the WORLD!
After all..if we where what the COMMIE SCUM said we where..Why would the World be flocking to us?
This is all Phy-Ops don't let them trick you..We are smarter then that.
Malik Nadal Hassan..Ft.Hood perp.
Condolences to the victims and Families of this.. an act of terrorism that happened earlier today in Ft. Hood Texas.
Let us all take a moment to remember who is the King of Kings.
Take a moment to prey for our fallen Brothers the name of Jesus. Amen.
Bill SCtIR.
Stossel, fired for speaking truth to power..
In the link below he digs into Socialised med.scene and exposes it for what it is..A bad idea.
Just for the record America does not want Washington's social experiments.. Especially in such an important arena as is the case with Health Care.
And the very fact that Stossel was fired for speaking up on this particular story proves that Washington knows how we feel.
Please watch with us as J.S. tears up the scheme known as Socialised medicine.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
There's A Monster on the loose! And he has our head into the noose.
I am going to post the song and tell Me if it doesn't describe what is going on daily in the
U.S.S. of A.
I wonder, couldn't one reach the conclusion, a Government who doesn't trust it's own People..
Is a Government not worthy of trust itself.
The Voices of 1968 ring true today..
Bill SCtIR
Monday, November 2, 2009
Bill Ayres, Rev.Write, George Soros and others of ill repute visit Obamie the Commie.
This guy has absolutely no respect for us. MaO bama is boring in..
Camrades ..enjoy the GLORIOUS VICTORY!! Camrade Krustav was right!! Like a ripe fruit it (The U.S.A)fell into our hands!!
Of course I was being sarcastic.Sad but true.
Below is the link to the lists of commies that have visited POTUS/FLOTUS and Co...We are in trouble.
Bill sctir.
South Africa Apartied..Not a struggle between Black and White!
Unfortunately it also foreshadows the path the U.S. is taking.
Please enjoy the SCtIR presentation of betrayal in South Africa and how the left tricked most of us into believing a LIE! Including the myth of the Right using the burning tire necklace.
Could it happen here? I think it's already started.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Shots fired at the home of Lou Dobbs
There s a price to be paid..Lou is up against some dangerous people.
The spirit of lawlessness is now the norm. in our Nation.
Some of us wont acquiesce to threats and intimidation..Lou is a HERO!
The hits keep coming.
But even a broken clock is right twice a day..This man has a worse track record then a broken clock.
In the latest of his thumbing his nose at our societal norms. B.O.has swung open our doors and invited the worlds H.I.V. positive crowd to use the U.S. tax coffers.
What the heck it's only money..Right?
We all know no one is in danger of getting aids from these guys..Right?
The Gubament would never do anything to put us in harms way..Right?
See article here
Found.. Right foot size 9 wearing White Nike sneaker.
Over the last few years, eight detatched human feet washed ashore in the Pacific N.W..
So look down and make sure you have both feet on the ground.If you are missing one call the B.C.P.D.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Behold..The death of a Nation..Obama target.. free speech.
Banned on You Tube Huh?
Pastor Manning is a canary in a coal mine..As is Savage ..As is Rush..As was Zundel..
As am I.. As are YOU!!
Please watch my ally Pastor James Manning of the ATLAH church of Harlem as he explains the sacrafice that he and we all will have to pay.
Freedom isn't Free.
The rope tightens.
Am I wrong to ask why Obama is intent on creating a "Civilian Security Force" that will be as powerful as the Army?
The Previous stories are all components of the same story..That story is one of us as a people moving away from National sovereignty.
Below is a excerpt from a interesting article describing how the security systems of the New North American States are currently being installed.
Is the hammer ready to fall?
Bill SCtIR
"While the rationale for using the US military domestically had been debated for years, President Barack Obama appears intent on using our military at least until he can create his promised 'Civilian Security Force' which he said would be as big and powerful as the military," said political strategist Mike Baker.
"The fact that the military -- in this instance NORTHCOM -- is being trained to operate with our borders should be setting off alarms throughout this nation. But it's being ignored even by those who profess to be conservatives," he said.
Nineteen federal agencies and organizations and 17 states and the District of Columbia have participated in one or more of the seven large-scale exercises that NORTHCOM has conducted since September 2005. However, NORTHCOM faces challenges in involving states in the planning, conduct, and assessment of its exercises, such as adapting its exercise system and practices to involve other federal, state, local, and tribal agencies that do not have the same practices or level of planning resources.
See full article here.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
H1N1 Pretext to martial law?
The US did not try to stop it in any meaningful way..No border closures..No Tamaflu just posturing and a collective shrug.
Flash forward November 09 suddenly A state of emergency has been declared due to H1N1 ,talk of closing the border has surfaced but most ominous is the talk of Martial law..
Pray this does not happen.
Bill SCtIR
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Even Reagan knew that the Left would use health care to take us DOWN.
I am researching Death panels..They are real..Reagan was right!
Bill SCtIR
Monday, October 26, 2009
If MaO bama's in.. I'm out! Let's get our kids out too!
Let's look at Afghanistan,we spent Billions upon Billions of dollars...Squandered,wasted on unappreciative people who apparently don't wish to be free..Or understand Freedom.
We are not with out guilt.. look at us, a people who in spite of reality and MANY news sources warning us Obama was ten steps to the left of Kennedy.. enjoyed their Baseball,Basketball, Football and Hollywood and elected him any way.
Collective White Guilt?Modern Escape ism?Mass Insanity?.
We as a people must have lost our minds..But now we pay the piper.. we have sewn the wind.. we must reap the whirl wind!
Therefore..I now reverse my former position and want our(American) troops out of Afghanistan and elsewhere.
I request this on the grounds that those kids are mere cannon fodder for a Chi-Com monster(The Obamie the Commie collective.)
I further believe he (Stinky) wants to discredit and destroy the West in general and Anglo Western America in particular.
Also.. he despises the Western Military machine the very one that he is commander and chief of..
If you're in the Military you should strongly consider getting out now!
Also we should pull out of Germany,Korea and Japan post haste, enough already!
If these areas are still delicate and in dispute after 50 to 65 years we had no right there in the first place.
A Viet Nam style quagmire..?That is going to be a best case scenario for Afghanistan under the current regime.
And what of Afghanistan..? Who cares about Nation building any way? They don't.
I guess the word"Nation"means different things to different people.
Over there apparently it means goats.. and blowing up what they don't agree with.
Pretty grim stuff unless you live in Detroit. (The American Afghanistan)
Even if this jackass (B.O.) gets serious about winning the war ,we should still pull out just to deny him victory. Do we want this man Obamie, to gain one inch politically off of our blood? The blood of American Patriot Heroes?
I don't.. So hopefully, there will be no victory.. for MaO bama!
MaO bama..much like his 80s hair band name sake is"Simply Red"
( I will not use the word traitor to describe this Man again, as I never understood him to be on our side..ever! ) instead I will lieu of President..
And remember a victory for Obamie is a victory for Mugabe..
*Fellatio El Dikkus!.. Obamie!
Bill SCtIR
See below how the Picador George NWO Bush and the Matador, Daddy Obamie the Commie have lost the Middle East war to people who have not yet discovered the wheel.. Lets face it, the people of Afghanistan prefer the one eyed Mullah to us..
What a mess.
*Hail to the ancient San script/Abyssinian dialect
The Joker is wild.Co-opted media and MaO bama.
Our next presentation blends Science Fiction with ugly political fact.
This clever short gets right to the heart of the matter..
I was a big fan of the outer limits..Especially the spooky intro..
The brilliant producers of this You Tube offering made it even spookier..
The Joke(er) is on all of us.
Bill SCtIR
50% Of Drs. agree with me and wont use the H1N1 vaccine.
Again..If you have children in the risk group or elderly in your care you must make a tough decision.. to inoculate or not.
Personally, I wont inoculate.
Thanks for the forward Jim.
Bill SCtIR
The statistically insignificant?
I accept the premise that overall vaccines have been a blessing to Mankind.
I am simply illustrating through the life experiences of others that caution should be taken,Pros and cons considered before using inoculations.
The powers that be may dismiss these cases as statistically insignificant, but I bet the young woman in our next video doesn't.
Vaccines are serious business.. if you don't absolutely believe they are needed don't use them.
This next video is a story of one womens experience with Gardesil.
I present it as a cautionary example and to expose the dangers of adverse reactions possible from all vaccines.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
C y n i c i s m .
It must be that the time of year again when Peoples thoughts turn to MASS DEATH AND PLAUGE..PESTILANCE..Oops! wrong season for that one, catch you in the Spring with that.
With Rhom Emanuel and Hillary Clinton telling us don't let a good crisis go to waste,how can we believe that this entire swine flu situation isn't a false flag operation?
Remember sars ?Not the Commie weirdo ones but the epidemic that was going to wipe us out?
Bird Flu? Swine Flu !? The Tonken Gulf? Pearl Harbor? The Kuwaiti Princess? Weapons of mass destruction? Al Gore and the Internet?Commando Hillary? and on and on it goes.
My point is that we are now cynics and who could blame us?
MaO bama called a state of emergency for the H1N1 Swine Flu..That strain is weakening
and is less virulent by the day..Sure people are dying, but at the same rate or less then any garden variety flu.
Big Government thrives in times of chaos so I am betting the Fed has ulterior motives.
I am not saying what I do is right for you, your parents, children.. what have you.
But speaking for myself,I wont take the inoculation.
This present Administration is one that has been down right antagonistic to its own people,then wants me to take a needle in my arm filled with contents I don't trust?
I see the red flag, now I'm digging in my heels..
This Administration is filled with leftest egomaniac Bullies, Petty Tyrants all.. Who think they are duty bound as social scientists to deconstruct present society and to build a new one in their own image.
Do we really know this is not part of such an experiment?
With every thing politicized these days,I have zero confidence in them.. The choice is yours (Maybe). Perhaps, they are not lying this time maybe they are looking out for us.
Did I mention that they reserve the right to wheel out Granny who was on the respirator so they could save a more viable illegal alien?(But they would actually never do it..Right?)
It hearkens back to an earlier gentler time..a time when barbarians would leave their elderly to freeze to death when the food supply was low..
Chip out a couple of Flint arrow heads with a couple of their buddies maybe Fred and Barney..
A little Mead.. Rape and pillage..Ahh the good old days!..YABBA DABBA DOO!
I'll take my chances..Without them, screw the Nanny State..Cynicism? You bet..
But..I bet, the cure is worse than the cause.
So make out your last will and testament the end is nigh..Yada Yada.. Ho hum.
Article below
Saturday, October 24, 2009
So,You don't think we really are in trouble? Check out the crew of radicals MaO bama has amassed as Kzars.
Think these right wing talk show extremists are over dramatic about this Czar thing and are blowing the issue out of proportion?
Think Again!!
Even the most politically inept person can see that the people Comrade Obama has amassed are contrary to our continued survival as a free Nation!
It's Halloween so maybe you folks are up to the challenge of viewing this frightening roster of perverts,freaks and Marxists who will be running the show in our withering Nation..
And may I add with out Congressional oversight!
Be afraid..Be very afraid..
Czar Position
Richard Holbrooke
Afghanistan Czar
Ultra liberal anti gun former Gov. of New Mexico. Pro Abortion and legal drug use.
Ed Montgomery
Auto recovery Czar
Black radical anti business activist.Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks.Univ of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty.ACORN board member.Communist DuBois Club member.
Jeffrey Crowley
Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays.
Alan Bersin
Border Czar
former failed superintendent of San Diego .Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton.Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno "" to keep borders open to illegals
The full article and all the names / below
Attention Duck Fodders..Dateline..Stamford Ct..ALERT..Obamie the Commie meets Frankendodd
The Chairman MaO bama slithers into the Stamford Ct. to meet the fallen one Chris Dodd.
In his (Dodd) fading attempt to hold on to power that never belonged to him.. He calls in the big guns.
Lets all watch as these two loyal party members make a mockery of our once mighty nation..And as we make a mockery of them!
Say NeeHow are you doing!.. to The Long legged Mack Daddy himself..
Chairman MaO bama!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Are you ready for the Great Leap Forward?
The ever energetic Chairman Mao some how finds time to do some social engineering.
He employed new tactics including..Taking over industry..One Party rule..Collective Farms..Appointed czars And even established himself as a god..Sound familiar?
Ultimately and after much death.. his plan (The great leap forward) was discredited and China abandoned the Soviet economic model and embraced the West.
Please join me now and see what the Hero of the Obama administration had wrought on his own people.And ask yourself as I did "Could this be coming here?"
The language out of Washington is ominous..
SCtIR Presents
Declassified.. the Biography of Chairman Mao.
The Narco Democracy Mexicos main exports are drugs and Mexicans
Mexico is a corrupted Narco-Democracy..Mexico City is the Rivera of Ransom.
Mexico City is the Mecca of Murder..My favorite Senior citizen Calderrez the corrupt President of that drug rife Nation stated "Where there are Mexicans..there is Mexico."
True enough Mr. President and the evidence is here in the U.S. where my tax dollars have to be spent rounding up and prosecuting the bilge from your (Ahem) Nation.
As previously reported hereU.S. Federal forces have launched a Nation wide raid on Mexican Drug trafficking gangs. Reports of arrest during these raids number in the thousands.
This is just the tip of the iceberg..
In the link below see how this is heating up..The Mexican drug cartels are in a true sense Manderins who have vast resources and arsenals at hand and are not afraid to retaliate against their enemies in a most brutal fashion.
Yet the the red diaper doper/NaCLR crowd continue to say "no human bean illegal"
At any rate I am posting a article below that gives you a sense of the dangers in our Nation that have flooded in on the coat tails of out of control Mass migration and Illegal immigration.
As El Presidente said welcome to Mexico El Norte.
Obamie the Commie.
Although He is the First to openly embrace the Chi-Com model. (Look at his Kzars)
You might be surprised to know that many years before I was on the planet the U.S.A. suffered through another Red by the name of Woodrow Wilson.
I happened on this article and thought it to be a tight essay about our Republics brushes with communism. It's a bit of a read..but worth it.
link below.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Who needs Yale?
Nice catch..Thanks D.
I'll see you in Home Room..
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The case of Geert Wilders
Europe is disappearing behind a shroud of Mosques.
Geert Wilders (From Holland) Life has been threatened (Many times) was not allowed in Britain and now must have full time body guards..Why? Because of he is out spoken critic of Islam.
The following movie was made by him.
It is a warning about the true nature of Islam.
I thought everybody already knew!
Well at any rate.. judge for yourself.
SCtIR brings to you.. Geert Wilders..
Doing the crimes Americans just wont do.
The bad news is that many of them are Illegal Aliens!
Folks..It's a fact.. Mexico City is the crime capitol of the World.
It's a fact that Mexico is in the middle of a brutal drug war that has taken over 5000 lives this year alone..Many times more then that all told.
Remember these facts as the Obama/Bush administration try to push "Comprehensive immigration reform" on us.
Article here.
Adam Kokesh for Congress and for President!
They are to by found here..Right here.. in the U.S.A.!!"
Adam Kokesh.
Bring back "The Rock"

You want answers? Me too.. Your Town falling apart? Mine too..
Real solutions NOW!
Last night I went to the Mayoral debate here in West Haven.
All went well and we heard much of the same coming from the three main candidates.
Talk of getting tough with those whom where late on their taxes. Talk of new beautification programs the new train station,Booting cars for delinquent taxes etc..
All these things are great but no one is speaking about the real problem plaguing our town and many other N.East towns.
That is to say our industrial base is DEAD! The Mfg. jobs of the past are gone (To China and other places.) and they aren't coming back.
The question should be what is the business model to use for West Haven in light of the post industrial U.S.A..
The most logical path to take (in my opinion) in our town is to bring back the old.
What prey do you mean? one might ask.
Simple..Bring back the Savin Rock Amusement Park. An updated version of course,I suggest erecting it on the abandoned Bilko sight and adjacent areas.
West Haven was known as a recreational area in the recent past seeing as we no longer have Mfg. to fall back on it makes sense.
Then how about we revitalise Down Town Main St?
We can stylize it to hearken back to a different era only better.
The intertainment industry is the only real path we have in our Town, we are already known for "the Rock"amusement park also we can bring in other ansulary entertainment based activities (Wresteling baseball etc.) to augment the new "Rock" and thrive once again as a community.
Maybe an updated Marina? Just a thought.
Thank you.
Bill SCtIR
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Oath Keepers say"Not on my watch!"
There are still some Americans who oppose Tyranny.
Ready to REVOLT?
See link below.
Oct. 18, 2009 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful By ALAN MAIMON LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL
Joe Arpaio, Laughing in the Face of Diversity.
Obama can't stand him..Even with the Fed, The ACLU, NaCLR, MALDEF gunning for him..
He continues,they can't stop him..Sheriffs are elected and run under a different set of Laws.
He is trying to do his job in spite of them.. And one of those jobs is holding and deporting those here ILLEGALLY.
Thank You Joe.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Launches Immigration Sweep
Friday, October 16, 2009 4:40 PM
Article Font Size
SURPRISE, Ariz. — An Arizona sheriff known for cracking down on people who are in the country illegally launched a crime and immigration sweep in northwestern metro Phoenix on Friday, a half day after officials in Washington limited his powers to make federal immigration arrests.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose sweeps have led to allegations of racial profiling, said the rebuff from Washington won't stop him. He said he can still arrest immigrants under a state smuggling law and a federal law that gives all local police agencies more limited power to detain suspected illegal immigrants.
"It doesn't bother me, because we are going to do the same thing," said Arpaio, whose deputies had arrested 16 people by Friday evening on unspecified charges. "I am the elected sheriff. I don't take orders from the federal government."
The officers were participating in a federal program that grants a limited number of local police departments special powers to make immigration arrests and speed up deportation. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement stripped Arpaio of his power to let 100 deputies make federal immigration arrests, but renewed another agreement that allows 60 jails officers to determine the immigration status of people in jail.
The sheriff's sweeps in some heavily Latino areas of metro Phoenix have drawn criticism that Arpaio's deputies racially profile people. Arpaio said people pulled over in the sweeps were approached because deputies had probable cause to believe they had committed crimes and that it was only afterward that deputies found many of them were illegal immigrants.
The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Arpaio's office over allegations of discrimination and unconstitutional searches and seizures.
"He is doing this to thumb his nose at the Obama administration," said Lydia Guzman, president of the Hispanic civil rights group Somos America.
The sweeps have discouraged some Hispanics who have witnessed or been victims of crime to refuse to call Arpaio's deputies, for fear of mistreatment, Guzman said.
Observers who are part of Guzman's group fanned out across the area of the sweeps with video cameras to record exchanges between deputies and motorists.
Arpaio said volunteers will use cameras owned by his agency to video-record deputies so viewers can see for themselves that they weren't doing anything wrong. Arpaio responded angrily to a question during a news conference about the costs of the cameras, saying they were paid through seizures in drug cases. "Dope peddlers bought the cameras," Arpaio said.
A dozen anti-Arpaio protesters yelled throughout the news conference. At one point, they chanted: "Order equals K-K-K — here's what Arpaio has to say."
Kris Kobach, a law professor at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and an advocate of expanding local immigration efforts, said Arpaio's office — like every other local police agency — can detain people suspected of immigration violations for a day or two until federal authorities come to pick them up.
In the past, Arpaio could have held such immigrants for longer than two days and conducted investigations of smuggling rings, Kobach said.
"It's really a slight narrowing, but it's not much," said Kobach, who worked as an immigration law adviser to then-U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft from 2001-2003.
Dan Pochoda, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing people who filed a lawsuit over the sweeps, said Arpaio still can't pull over motorists solely because they are suspected of being illegal immigrants.
"He can't do it under the terms he is claiming. He has indicated that he can stop people without the suspicion, based on what they look like, what they sound like," Pochoda said.
Arpaio said the Bush administration had no complaints about his use of the special federal powers, but all that has changed with the Obama administration.
"What's changed?" Arpaio asked. "Politics has changed, because they don't like us going on the streets to catch illegals."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Uncle Joe sends his greetings.
Although the Patriot event was scratched 10-18 ..You can catch Shawn our favorite Commie, on the 23rd of October..In Stamford Ct. 4:30 in front of the Stamford Hilton.
He will be reciting Das Capatol to Obama, Dodd as well as many other Comrades and local Commissars who will be attending.
Lenin Badinov says..
My Camrades ..Boris Bamavich gets my very high recommendation..
How unfortunate those pesky right wing extremest will be there also..
Supreme Glorious Leader will not be happy with Right Wingers.
Not to worry.. Secret Police will deal with extremists!
In old Country we would have sent them all to insane asylum..
Where are Gulags when we need them?
I give 5 STARS to glorious Video!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The New America..A very bad omen.
Small events sometimes careen into something not anticipated.
The new face of hate..Old Glory?
Pa. Fire fighters not allowed to show the colors?
If this isn't going to make you take notice of the obvious,I don't know what will..
I personally have to thank the political correct crowd..
They have overplayed their hands and have made the need for a counter usurpation obvious.
The kind of thinking that leads to stories like this is sick and is leading to a very dangerous and unstable time in our History.
(Oct. 17) -- A Pennsylvania firefighter who put an American flag sticker on the front of his locker has been suspended without pay for refusing to take the Old Glory decal down.
James Krapf, along with nearly a dozen other Chester, Pa. firefighters, were ordered to remove personal items from the outside of their lockers -- a violation of department policy?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Peace through superior fire power..
As our next band ask the musical question..
Should we as Americans allow Tyrants to rule us?
Please join me and the gentle sounds of Metellica, as they look for the answer to our enquiry..
Ladies and Gentlemen
Don't Tread on Me.. Metellaca..
So be it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Don't you feel better now?
Some people use Yoga..some cry..others well we all have our coping mechanisms.
We have today a study in one mans technique for coping..
Assume the Lotus position and lets all say OOOM... Rama Dama Ding Dong!
I think Wall Street Pro is on to something here.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Ode to the American working man..
It is 2009 and no one is laughing now..Save the PAC special interest groups and assorted enemies of our culture,venerated institutions and principals..
My only complaint is that the million plus invaders that come in ILLEGALLY, EVERY YEAR are not addressed..
But then again that issue would have turned this "short" into a movie as long as Ben Hurr.
Bill SCtIR
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Red Dawn? For real? The only difference is the invaders speak with a American accent!
They speak like us!
The weapons used against us in our real life Red Dawn where quiet,the ordinance didn't flow from a barrel of a gun rather it was orally delivered behind closed doors in sequestered places..
The battle fields no longer sprouted poppies or had hills to take..Rather the modern battles happened in the court rooms and the back rooms of town halls, in the Halls of Congress and secluded Senate Chambers.
Howitzers and Bayonets where abandoned the suit case of cash served just as well.
The results are the same..Now we need to take it back..
Sic Sempre Tyrannis!!
AVENGE ME!!Ha Ha! Not yet anyway.
They like me..They Really Really Like Me!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
The puzzeling case of the Metro Sexual..
Is there any harder evidence that attest to lower testosterone levels than that modern phenom called Metrosexuals?
These guys are the feminine offshoots of the earlier prototypes known as SNAGS, Sensitive New Age Guys another genetic dead end from the 80s.
Although these modern "Males" claim to be hetrosexual in their sexual orientation they are as at home in a sports bar or beauty parlor..The modern Metrosexual is the driving force behind that modern canine Chimera called the Puggle..Twenty years ago a man would have gotten a beat down just for using the word Puggle!
What is the point?
We now have a army of men who gaze in the mirror and wonder if the slacks they just bought makes their butt look big..
Yikes!! It makes me pine for the good old days when we had real men like Pee Wee Herman..
Get out of our gene pool! Do we really need slacker narcissists who actually think they contribute to a healthy modern society?
Although this androgynous bunch pose no physical threat they are known for their crafty use of the academic, legal and Government systems..In fact they are quite capable of attaining great heights in these "Specialised" fields.(One such example is the President of the U.S.A.)
There is a less celebrated Female version of the Metro Sexual this bizarre creature we call the shemale.
A good example of this condition is a certain Hillary Clinton..(All ways look for the pants suit)
There is some good news..because of the Metro sexual aversion to commitment and responsibility they tend not to reproduce! Hence,we can hope that they go the way of the Shaker who sealed their own fate when that Sect forbade sex.
We at SCtIR as a public service have decided to release the following Q and A. we think it will help those who struggle with a family member who is afflicted with Metro Sexuality.
F.A.Q. Metro Sexuals..
I think my son is a Metro Sexual how can I be sure?
Does he have a pink shirt?
Does he sport a breast cancer awareness ribbon pin or magnetic?
Does he drive a Preis?Metro?or other roller skate on wheels?
Did he watch Al Gores movie, an inconvenient truth?
Does he root for a poodle when he watches the A.K.C. competition?
Does he watch the A.K.C. competition?
Did he vote for Obama?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions..I'm sorry but you have a Metro Sexual on your hands.
O.M.G.!! My Son is a Metro Sexual! I caught him listening to John Tesh last night!
What do I do?
There is no known cure for this affliction at this time.
However there is hope..
Studies show that by not allowing your Metro Sexual access to the t.v. shows Dance with the Stars or American Idle will decrease his proclivity for Metro Sexuality.
This was found by a blind scientific study focusing on Metro Sexual tendencies in lab rats.
My Son has a lovely wife who can't have children of her own, so they want to adopt a Oriental Child from China next year.
Do you think he may be a Metro?
Yep..he's a metro..Keep him away from soy products.
Is there a support group that will help my Metro Sexual loved one?
Going to a traditional support group is a sign of Metro Sexuality..
However there have been at least two examples of groups known to cure this heart breaking condition one is the U.S.M.C. and another is the Hells Angels.(Keep him away from the Navy)
We recommend if your loved one shows signs of Metro Sexuality you seek out these groups for assistance immediately!
We hope that we have answered some of your questions on this all to pervasive condition.
Thank you
Bill at SCtIR
Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's All About Me...My life as a former Sharpie!
Other non de plumes you will occasionally see me/us use....
The Polish Pineapple, The Aimster, & Amy Oakley. I like "The Crazy Cat Lady" too!
We will probably speak about these later. *
I am the "formerly lapsed" Press Secretary & Viking Princess (as Bill refers to me)
*smarmy Grin* for SCTIR. For a few moments here each week I will expound upon & "Vent" about whatever the so-called "Mainstream Media declares Mas Importante!"
Check the Front Pages Daily! See?!!
A brief history of my life thus far....
Warning- for the "Sensitive" types:
Readers of this Blog have the Right to know that I am a former anarchist, self-hating Liberal, Commie-Sharp Skin (The Worst Kind of Anti-American Activist!) for all causes anti-Conservative, America-Hating, Pro-Choice, Anti-Family, Angry-Man-hating-Feminist issues, Professional Apologist for Everybody, including slackers, Commies, Phony (Altruism) Con-Artists, Race Baitors, i.e. Jesse Jackson & Al "Sharpie" Sharpton...
If there was ever a cause that needed a big mouth with an Empty Head .... I flew faster than a speeding bullet to rescue the "Oppressed" with my compassionate Super Hero Powers!
I was dead wrong. Without realising that the truly "Oppressed," was Me.
I displayed relentless ignorance whenever I got the Call! You could always count on my support, endorsement & Championing of what ever (X) Leftist Cause* needed my talents for creating Amazing Feats of Ignorance and memorization of Offensive Slogans & Chants to garner sufficient Media attention for societies' shadow people.
My Resume was impressive:
For I possessed (at least) 3 of the required virtues ...
I now refer to them as "gifts to " (Wo)man-kind;"
The Fresh Dew of Rose Colored Hippy-Wanna-Be Glasses, Youth, and the Amazing Innability* to Think for Myself!
I was.... The Perfect "tool!" A Rare Find indeed... Immediately, I was scooped up & used like a cheap Vessel, made in China, India, Canada .... you pick the place... I don't want to offend anyone with a burning, vigilant desire (to be viewed as) a Politically Correct and socially conscious.
I was too ignorant to know the difference... check!
I rose to every occasion, for I heard "that Clarion Call to all causes Kennedy!"
I must stop while I still have some* dignity left!
That being said, I grew up. I matured. Some of us do and have.
On the positive side.... I now have the unique ability to "understand my Enemy!" Mine and Yours. I am now a born again Conservative activist for the "Right" causes. I have Pride again.
I love my country, I love Jesus, I love men, I want to keep my guns, I want to secure our Borders and our rights as parents to choose what our kids are being "educated" and instructed in. I now know what is at Stake here.
Most importantly I recognise Your Rights to make your own choices. I hope that you feel the same as I do now.
The shape of things to come.
So lets buckle up and take a ride down Detroilet as we watch these Captains of the State Welfare system get their entitlements..Ala..You and Me.
Side note there was enough money in the till for 3500 but 60000 turned out to sack the treasury.Ha Ha!!
This is the reason we created the P.E.N. Project.
The end of the Petrol dollar will usher in dramatic changes in our society..
Believe it or not some of those changes as painful as they are and will be are necessary and make the system stronger and by extension US..
In the mean time buy gold if you are able..But more important join us in our efforts to become the Patriots Yellow Pages..Use the labor, goods and services of those in our own community.
In these times more then ever it is so important to keep together as a community..
Please visit and use the Patriot Economic Network the list your business and use the Patriots who promote their businesses on it.
We have the humble beginnings of something big (Our own Economic Community) but we must use it.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The dead U.S. dollar.
What will this mean for us? Look at the Wiemar Republic or Zimbabwe for those answers.
The price of gold is surging on world markets amid fears that the old economic order based on the supremacy of the US dollar could be breaking down.
A new spike has sent the cost of the precious metal to a level not seen before. The dollar slid sharply after yesterday's report in The Independent that Gulf Arab states are secretly planning to stop trading oil in dollars, and a senior UN official said that the US should be stripped of its position as the main source of currency reserves for other countries.
The developments come on top of speculation that the Obama administration is operating a policy of benign neglect of the dollar, engineering a devaluation that could help repair some of the economic damage caused by the recession.
Born again American
I offer it again as I think the spirit of the message is worth a second look.
If you have seen it it again it is well produced and performed.
If you haven't seen it yet..Enjoy it's a classic.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Patriot Rock "Prayer for America"
Paul Topete and his troop (Poker Face) are in every sense great American Patriots..
Check out their music at
Where there is Tyranny you bet Poker Face will stand with us to stop it.
Ladies and Gentlemen it is my pleasure to introduce you to my friends and allies.. The Great American Patriot band called Poker Face.
Bill SCtIR
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The corrosive effects of corruption..
We as a People have lost our way and got lazy.. Can we blame Russia or China for our slide..
Our slide into the Political abyss picked up big time in the late 60s..Although it began in the early 1900s.
Our main issue is we started questioning.. ourselves our traditions our culture our very GOD..
We allowed multi cultures and gave up on the Melting Pot.
We swallowed the LIE that all cultures where equally valuable and the Political borders around our Nation where a artificial and archaic construct.
We now are Nihilist we are now in a real sense Anarchist (From nothing to nothing) no History no heritage.
Imagine a Nation (I use that term loosely) of city states a balkanization if you will, from coast to coast. A house divided can not stand.
These things are the events that lead to the sad state we face in our Nation today.
A Nation that values Money over Principles.
It's up to us a remnant a very small minority who will stand up to systemic corruption.
It will be an uphill fight but one well worth it.
We are the Problem We let this happen..We are the soloution.
Fifty Four Men Pledged their lives and fortune to stop LESS THEN WE TOLERATE NOW..
This man on the following video is one hundred percent correct in his interpretation of the depth of the problem in our very sick Country..
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Sound Track of Freedom
Please enjoy Albannach as they preform the Geal..
The N.W.O. for fresh cuts
I submit the following a compelling video that capsulises the steps taken to create the crisis our Republic now faces..
I submit the following..Join with others to stop this juggernaut together we outnumber them..
Commit to action..and follow through, join the new resistance..
Monday, September 28, 2009
A New SCtIR initiative.. introducing the PEN Project
P.E.N. Project Mission Statement. (Patriot Economic Network)
Become the Patriot Yellow Pages.
Spirit of the Mission-Patriots advancing each other’s Business/Service or Labor in an easily grasped format.
The P.E.N. Project was a vision brought real world by conversations between Armond Serio (U.S.A. not 4 sale) and William Shields (
Our mission is simple bring together Patriot Labor , Services and Business with the vast consumer base that is available to us. I.E: Those Patriots that showed up in Washington to oppose Obamacare.
It is our belief that the Patriot Community has a responsibility to itself to patronize each other as both consumer and supplier of Goods and Services.
F.A.Q.Why do we need a Pen Project?
We at the took note of an alarming bias by the left and the “me too!” crowd against American Patriots.
The American workplace is increasingly becoming one that WILL NOT discriminate against anyone because of race, creed, color, sexual preference or any number of other politically correct specific privileged groups.
However..Patriots who are proud of their American culture, traditions and Christianity and don’t agree with the New World agenda of the Left are not on that list of protected groups.
What does the P.E.N.project ask of me to be part of its initiative as either Advertised business/Service or supplier of goods or consumer of those services?
How to become a featured Business on the PEN project website..
Fee-$00.00 (Free)We ask that you be a American Patriot activist of some kind that embrace a Tea party/SCtIR/USAnot4sale pro American traditional World view..very simply put, God-Guns and Borders.
Also it is very important to Armand and I that your business does NOT employ ILLEGAL ALIENS. After all we are AMERICANS advancing AMERICANS and not doing so is inconsistent with Armand and my core principles.
We at SCtIR and USAnot4sale hope you will join us in our very simple concept of connecting Patriot Business interest with a vast Patriot consumer base we hope that you understand the common sense in our approach in this matter.
Please direct any questions to either of the following Emails or phone #s.
Thank you.
Bill Shields 203 314-2918
Armand Serio 203 675 8337
I'll get you my pretty part 2
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'll get you my pretty!
Triple play..Pelosi,Delauro and Dumpable Chris Dodd in attendance.
SCtIR,Dump Dodd folks and 9-12ers join forces to send them back to Oz.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
By Bill SCtIR
Hippocrate Dr.Howard Dean has the recipe to take care of all us poe' unwashed masses..
Massive Socialism,Government funded abortion,Millions of Illegal Aliens getting taxpayer sponsored Health Care.
The Dr. is out! Out to lunch!